Our approach brings our strong understanding of development and place-based planning with strategies for minimising and eliminating operational carbon emissions from transport, drawing on three main levers – Avoid, Shift and Improve. 

For new development this means embedding more sustainable urban structure and mix of development, along with a range of placemaking measures at home, street and neighbourhood scales.  For existing places, this means optimising land use, retrofitting of walking and cycling infrastructure into local places and managing integration with public transport and stimulating the transition to fully electric vehicle fleets.

We analyse the movement and carbon emissions using our Travel Demand Model (TDM) tool, giving strong metrics on journey length, mode, and thus carbon emissions.  Through scenario modelling, we assess the implications of the above strategies and their effectiveness in minimising or eliminating operational carbon.

Our expertise covers:

  • Carbon neutral Transport & Placemaking Strategies for development
  • Local neighbourhood retrofit strategies
  • Movement & Carbon Metrics

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